Saturday, December 15, 2012

Ummm... Bite Me!

So a funny thing happened today.  Mark got a call from our builder, who proceeds to tell him about a text that he received.  It seems that one of our new neighbors doesn't approve of our home.  I'm not sure if it's the size, if it's the fact that it only has a two car garage, or if it's because we only have rock on the bottom half of the house.  At any rate the text basically said that our builder was building a house that was not adhering to the covenants in the phase and that by building our house the property value of theirs would go down.  Well like I said, bite me!

I'm sorry that we don't have enough kids to fill each of the rooms to double their capacity or that I clean because I have to not because I want to, so why would I want to clean a bigger house?  There are only three full time occupants of the house, occasionally we have Bray for the weekend and both of our dogs together are smaller than the neighbors one dog so there really isn't a reason to build a bigger house. 

I would have liked to have a three car garage but it was either that or the shop in the back and for the price it was a better deal to build a shop than have a third bay in the garage.  The covenants clearly state that the house has to have a private garage for not less than two cars.  Hmmm...  That doesn't sound like three cars are required, does it?

The rock issue I only bring up because the text only happened after the rock was on the house.  The covenants say that the front of the house should have a combination of 100% rock, brick, or approved siding.  The bump out where the office is can't have rock on it because there isn't any foundation under it to support the rock and we didn't rock just one section because that would have sent the neurotic symmetrical girl inside of me right over the edge.

I have my suspicions about the culprit, namely the neighbor to the south.  His noisy dog is kenneled right outside our bedroom window...  He really doesn't want to start a fight with me.  Kandis thinks it's funny that there are "haters" in the neighborhood and Mark just can't wait to fire the truck up.  There is actually a nuisance section in the covenants, it doesn't say you can't be loud it just says that you basically can't annoy the neighbors...  This could pose a problem in the summer.

On an unrelated topic, the actual reason for this blog, all of the sheet rock is up and they should start mudding on Monday.  The very nice and apparently dedicated stucco guy was there today putting up the chicken wire around the house to start the stucco this week as well.  Once the mud is dried and sanded the floor can go in and the interior doors all need to be hung.  Then we are on to paint and I guess the cabinets will be installed.  I almost want to make a paper chain to count down the days but I'm not exactly sure how many days we have left, but I know it's getting close.

Happy Holidays to everyone and I hope that you all enjoy your holiday in your house with your own decorations and all of your own stuff.  I can't wait for 2013 when I can be part of that crowd again.  :)

Kan's bathroom, at least for the next few months.

The Great Room, imagine furniture

The Kitchen, imagine appliances.
The nice stucco guy
That's a lot of scaffolding!  Hope he doesn't fall.

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