Saturday, November 24, 2012

Black Friday

I've never been a Black Friday shopper, this year should have been no exception, especially since I have no voice at all.  I admit my family enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner, or more accurately they enjoyed making fun of me.  The reason I'm not a shopper is because I value my life, plain and simply put, I have no desire to be shanked (as the girls would call it) in the middle of the toy department.

Kan and Bray, unfortunately appear to be future Black Friday shoppers, steller ones at that.  Somehow we ended up at Walmart Thursday night at 7:50, ten minutes before Sale Event #1 started.  We were there not because we actually needed to buy anything, we just wanted to watch the madness.  The girls took off one way and Mark and I went another.  We were in women's pyjamas in the Clinton Walmart when it chimed 8:00 and people turned into raving lunatics.  The roar was audible and you could see the madness in their eyes, or maybe that was the terror in mine being reflected.

Admittedly I don't watch the news because everything is always depressing.  I haven't heard if there were any injuries or deaths this year, I certainly hope not though.  After watching the madness it's not hard to see how people end up injured or worse.  A friend at work's mother (a woman I met once and she was very nice) was even assaulted at Walmart, how sad is that?

So imagine my surprise when Mark decided he wanted to go to RC Willey for a fridge to complete our appliance package.  RC Willey opened at 8:00 am and we were there at 7:15, the line only wrapped around half the building at that time.  Since we've never done the whole Black Friday thing we were a little unsure of how it worked, especially with large appliances.  Did we run in and find the fridge and touch it?  The first ten people win?  You can't exactly carry it off to the cashier.  Luckily a very nice worker came by with little magical tickets that had pictures of the items on sale. He was a little startled when I snatched one with the fridge out of his hand but he recovered and moved on down the line.  Finally it was 8:00 and the doors were open.  Our plan was to split up, I would find the fridge and look at it while he took the door buster ticket and got in line to pay.  That only worked for a minute before someone told Mark that we needed a salesman to write it up before we could pay.  

It's a nice fridge and it will go great with the rest of the appliances we have already purchased.  After all was said and done we were in and out of RC Willey by 8:20, yay us!  Our first, and hopefully last, Black Friday shopping experience and we made it out alive and we saved $800.00 in the process.  You can't beat that.

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