Friday, November 2, 2012

Dirt, Gravel, and Concrete

Who knew there were so many steps to getting a basement floor poured?  Not me, thats for sure!  I know that we are actually moving along pretty quickly (thank your Gordon Sleeman Construction!) but I am a woman and therefore impatient.  Our trusses were delivered in the middle of the week and concrete was finally totally poured on Thursday.  The basement floor looks pretty massive, too bad we need walls down there.  Kan was two seconds away from going through the window to walk around but Mark didn't think the concrete was dry enough.  Mark was pretty upset that some little punk (my word not his...  you don't want to know what words he used) threw a nice sized rock into the middle of the garage floor, causing a pretty good nick.  Dad said not to stress, he's sure they will be able to patch it when the time comes.  Can't wait to see the stress Mark will be under when the driveway is poured in a couple weeks, he might be camping out in Aunt Beths driveway just to keep an eye on it.  Maybe we can bribe Dawn and Ryan with babysitting to watch it... Normally they would wait on the driveway but we are rapidly heading into winter and lets face it, the weather in Utah is not to be trusted.

Framing should start on Monday.  I think that once the is wood up it will begin to feel real.  Right now we just feel like creepers tresspassing on someone else's property.  That feeling could also be because we have been creeping on the house down the street and the one on the corner that is about a week ahead of us.  Or maybe it's because I've been taking pictures of random peoples houses for stucco and rock ideas...  I hope someone doesn't call the cops on me.

So far Mark and I have agreed (or at least compromised) on the major aspects of the building.  We did have a slight issue with the carpet, tile, and wood floor choices but I convinced him my choices would work (I'm not ashamed to say that I may have shed a few tears to get my way).  I'll have to pick my battles, I know that.  We already remodeled almost an entire house (granted I didn't really care what it looked like since we were selling it) and built a monster truck (okay so I was more concerned with cost of the truck and not really the finished product) together, building a house should be fine...  In three months I will either have a Prozac prescription or a massive life insurance payout because my husband mysteriously passed on.  If the stress of building doesn't send us over the edge the stress of haveing a thirteen year old might.  Can you say MOOD SWINGS???  This girl has more personalities than Sybil.  I wouldn't trade her for anything but the grey hairs keep popping up...  It's either her or her dad causing them.  Work is the only thing that keeps me sane, thanks guys!  You know who you are.



We have roof trusses but no walls, go figure...

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