Friday, November 30, 2012

Welcome To My Dungeon

It seems that Jason, the crappiest framer on earth, is going to continue to haunt us forever.  We were recently informed that our house has the wrong trusses and there are pieces missing.  Oh, nothing detrimental, nothing that is going to stall the building process.  It appears that the wrong trusses were made and sent, which was surprisingly not Jason's fault.  What was Jason's fault was that he once again did not notice that the house and the plans did not match!  Seriously, ours has to be the first house he ever worked on.

Now that we are two months in I'm sure you're wondering why we are just now noticing this issue.  Well it didn't really matter until we started to discuss outside lights (almost a deja vu of the door episode).  We decided on can lights outside rather than the ones that look like medieval torches.  They shine straight down so they don't give off as much light, but they look cleaner and more modern, and I really wanted them.  After the electrician installed the lights we were looking at them and realized that they were set in the angled soffets.  Do you know what that means?  It means that the lights are also angled so even though they are placed on opposite sides they are pointing toward each other.  This is the same thing on the front porch, except for on the front porch it is like two spotlights shining on you, which has made Mark start saying "Welcome to my Dungeon" in a creepy Darth Vaderish voice.  Not sure why he thinks it's a dungeon, maybe because it's still not very bright even with both lights shining.

After Chicken Little had a mini meltdown (he threatened to fire everyone working on the house) he calmed down enough to meet with our builder who took the blame and found a way to fix the issue without having to re-frame the entire house (which, by the way, was NOT an option), disaster averted.  Whew...

The four way inspection should be completed on Monday and the insulation should go in on Wednesday, which really means that we should be inspected by Wednesday and the insulation starting on Friday.  The Sheetrock has been ordered (not sure why they couldn't go to Lowes...) and should be in around the 10th, due to some training issues (uh oh, I don't think I like the sound of that), the sheet rockers won't be able to start framing until the 14th.  Once sheet rocking starts it should take about a week to hang, mud, tape, and sand.  We are actually going to paint everything ourselves.  Mark says he's going to spray the doors, trim, and ceilings, that should be interesting.  I guess if he can paint a car he can paint a house, right?  Before we can paint we have to put the floor in, something else we are doing on our own.  We installed the wood laminate in our old house, apparently the only difference with this hardwood is that we will have to nail it down, it's not a floating floor.  I have high hopes.

So far the brightest spot in my immediate future is that I won't have to paint this whole house on my own during my vacation from work like I did in July at our old house.  We won't be able to start painting until after Christmas and my vacation is from the 20th to the 26th.  Gordon, our builder said we are looking at about six weeks.  Probably more like eight, but that still puts us in the house the first of February.  Can't wait for the house warming party.

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