Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Wanted: Competent Framers

Ours is apparently first house these guys have framed because they miscounted the floor joists so they ran out and couldn't sheet the floor today.  I looked at the house plans, even I knew how many joists they needed, arghhh... 

Oh but it gets better, or maybe worse is the better word.  They framed the stairs from the wrong direction!  We are either entering the stairwell from the outside of the house or from my bathroom.  I mean really, at what point did it not look funny???  I, who knows nothing about building a shed let alone a house, knew there was something wrong as soon as I saw the framed wall.  I have been assured that it is an easy fix, so in a way it is a good thing that the floor didn't get sheeted because they would have had to take off that area to add a header and move the wall down a smidge.

Mark is meeting with the builder and the framer tomorrow to go over the changes we made to the floor plan.  Hopefully everyone takes good notes or we're going to have some drama down the road.

So far the changes we've made we both agree on.  We have already picked carpet, tile, and wood flooring so that should go smooth (yeah right...).  We also picked the kitchen counters and cabinets.  I think the next hurdle will be kitchen appliances, which we hope to purchase during the black Friday sales.  I have never done the whole shopping thing the day after Thanksgiving, mostly because I value my life, but Mark is insisting on getting up early and going...  Hmmm....  Somehow I'm not envisioning people throwing themselves on a convection oven at 4 am, and if they are then part of me is thinking that they need it more than I do, that's probably the sleep deprived part thinking.  We have about two and a half weeks to make a plan for shopping, I'm hoping for a 6 am start, I won't hold my breath though.  It's all about picking your battles.

The framing should not be touching the foundation wall,
see how you can't get into the basement from the bottom of the stairs?? 
That's a problem. 

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