Tuesday, November 13, 2012

No one likes a quitter

Apparently we are very difficult homeowners to work with, if by difficult you mean we want you to frame our house according to the building plans, then YES we are very difficult.  This is what the lead framer told our builder today right before he walked off the job.  Guess he got tired of Mark having to babysit their work and having our builder call everyday with a new issue,  Hmmmm...  Let me count the issues we have had so far:

    1 - The wall at the bottom of the basement stairs was in the wrong place so there was no exit into the basement.
    2 - One of the spare bedroom's did not have a window framed in before it was sheeted.
    3 - There weren't enough floor joists ordered.
    4 - The garage door was framed at 8 ft instead of 9 ft (to be fair that was a change we made to the plans, but the framer wrote it on the plans, Mark watched.)
    5 - There is still no door framed for the garage storage closet, I guess we will be entering the closet through the toilet room in our bathroom.

So, yes Jason, (we will call the crybaby Jason because that's his name, too bad I don't have his last name, no privacy here) we are difficult people to work with.  I apologize for inconveniencing you by asking that you do your job.  It was a hell of a day for all of us, unfortunately the rest of the real world didn't get to throw a fit and walk off the job.  If that was an option my boss, Annette, would have done that around 1:00 today.

Once our builder called in the owner of the framing company they got a lot of work done and I am excited to report that the trusses are scheduled to be installed at 7:30 tomorrow morning.  We are finally almost ahead of the house that is being built on the corner that we have been creeping on.  Yes, we are having a one way race with these unknown builders, it's sad but true.

So the moral of today's story is that when the going gets rough it's okay to throw in the towel and walk away.  Someone needs to get with all those teachers out there that are telling their students to work hard, do your best, and not give up.  Start spreading the word.  It would be great if Jason, the Quitter, could start speaking as well.  He can give a personal account of just how far difficult people have to go before it's okay to quit.  In the meantime I will keep my fingers crossed that he doesn't come back and torch our house.

The newly framed window, doesn't it look nice?

The front room and patio door.

The nook where my window seat is going in the kitchen.
What a view we will have.

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